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One Million



Captain Fresh Breath


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Last Updated 5/31


Pertaining to or affected by mania.

Mania: Excessive excitement or enthusiasm.

So says Mr. Webster

A friend of mine coined the phrase "manic descriptive" in reference of my ability to over explain things.

I can take something simple like "Tommy used the mirror to see if he missed any spots shaving, check his hair and clothes and make sure his hat was on straight." And turn it into "Using the refracted light signal regulated by the iris and focused by the lens on the rods and cones of the retina Tommy's eyes generated a signal. This signal was then sent down the optic nerve at astronomical speeds to the brain where it was processed into information. This allowed Tommy to confirm that he was taking advantage of the reflective qualities of a vertically mounted sheet of heat processed silica compound that had been coated on one side with an incredibly thin layer of atomized silver to assess his outward physical appearance. Studying the constant influx of data reaped knowledge of the state of the keratin based fibers growing from the follicles in the dermis of his scalp, the angle of rest of the formed cattle skin upon his cranium, the hang of the woven plant fiber materials encompassing his body and the success of the recent denuding and exfoliation of his physiognomy."

An extreme example I admit, but unfortunately not that big of a stretch for me. Combining that talent with a desire to write and the attention span of a Tse Tse fly caused me to begin this.

In true manic fashion I will write what I want to, how I want to, whenever I am in an enthusiastic mood. I may write several pieces in a short time, or not. If you expect regular updates look elsewhere. This is for me, not you. I am also sure I will find this more exciting than you do. Yes I am a mechanic, no I do not fix cars like this. Manic Mechanic just had a nice ring to it, so I went with it.